One of my bucket list items in my 40th year was to skydive. I finally got to do it last week, a couple months after my 41st birthday. I went with a couple of my favorite people & it will be a wonderful memory to share.

This pic is not hyper-linked. Find the vid here:
Am I an adrenaline junkie? I don’t know. I went on BIG roller coasters for the first time when I was about 18. I loved it & have been on a lot of those types of rides over the years. I bungee jumped only once in my early 20’s & hated every minute of it until it was over. I loved the rush but never did it again. I’ve white water rafted, jumped off high cliffs & gone very fast as a passenger on motorbikes, all felt too dangerous. If there is a real threat to my life I like it less than the safer thrills like roller coasters. I also loved paragliding & parasailing. So I figured skydiving tandem (attached to a professional) would be good. It would be safe but thrilling.
I was right. Though if he hadn’t shoved us out the door of that plane there is no way I would have gone. I was utterly terrified as he slid me closer to the door. It’s a shame that I had such equipment failure as you can’t really see my reaction which was complete short-circuited terror. It was sensory overload & for a split second I slammed my eyes shut because I could not handle it but realizing I was going to lose my gear if I didn’t grab it kind of brought me back to reality. And reality was hard & fast. It’s amazing, adrenaline. It gives you laser focus. You are not thinking about anything else, you are completely in the moment. To quiet the chatter of the monkey mind even for a minute is so refreshing.
This will be too hippie for some of you but when I heard this a few years ago I wept, it hit home so hard: (If the link doesn’t work just google “Rest in Natural Great Peace”)
Rest in natural great peace
This exhausted mind
Beaten helplessly by karma and neurotic thought
Like the relentless fury of the pounding waves
In the infinite ocean of samsara.
Rest in natural great peace.
~Nyoshul Khenpo Rinpoche
I’ve heard that meditation practitioners are often adrenaline junkies because it’s a great way to focus the mind, to be present in the moment, which is kind of the goal of meditation.
Anyway, you can find the skydiving vid on the free preview page of my members site (you can stream or download for free from that page):
The music & audio are kind of odd as the skydive company edited the vid with copyrighted music so I had to re-edit it with royalty-free music.
Mistress T
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hello beautiful nice hearing that you accomplished one of your goals. I am really a big fan of you and I would love to be on of your loyal slaves please email me back I am willing to do all the task you asked me to do.
Hi. That’s curious because the local little (mostly tourist) paper just had a piece on skydiving. It’s definitely on my list. I was wondering why there were 2 people strapped together. I guess one must on the first jump?
Love! The meditation.
Made me a little tearful as well. So true. Such a beautiful acknowledgment. No self pity, just “there”. Sharing!
I’ve never skydived, but adrenalin is such an amazing thing. I have returned to photography, my true passion and find when I’m on a shoot it is one of the rare occasions when my mind doesn’t wander it really is completely focussed (forgive the unintentional pun) on the job in hand, regardless of the subject matter. Not quite the same thing I know, but I find an inner peace when I have the camera in my hand.
Thank you for sharing the youtube link, one of the most beautiful things that I have heard in a long time, I greatly appreciated it.
Hope all is well with you.
Kindest regards
Jo xxx
Impressive! It must be an amazing feeling to be up there: the adrenaline rush, the view… I envy you, but my fear of heights is too big as to try this. I wouldn’t be as quiet as you if I had issues with my goggles. 😉 xxx
Thank you for the video. You are a very brave young lady. There’s no way in hell I would try something like that!