Single in the city…

Mistress T in regular cloths.

Just a regular, every day pic of me at home…

I know I’ve been neglecting my blog lately. You’re probably on the edge of your seat wondering what the heck is going on in my life *smile*.

Since I returned from the UK things have been pretty chill. I’ve been editing the amazing content I filmed there. Been catching up with friends. Doing yoga & swimming. Working on website improvements. Planning future trips & being good to myself.

I’ve also been dabbling in online dating. That’s been interesting.

The most important thing I take from this experience is that there are a whole lot of lonely people out there who just want to love & be loved. It’s amazing that with so many people living in the same place that people still can’t find partners.

I come from a small town & it seems that if there is a smaller pool of potential partners to chose from people just make due. They pair up for better or worse. Does that mean they’re happy? Maybe, maybe not, but they’re not alone.

I haven’t met Mr. Right. I did stumble across a Mr. Right Now…a bit of fluff to entertain me. A stunningly beautiful boy in his late 20’s that I already knew from a distance for years. We have mutual friends & I had seen him around, drooled over him really but never actually met. We connected through online dating & although he wasn’t what I was looking for in a life partner I enjoyed him for the evening & will likely see him again. Hot.

The rest of the men I’ve met were mostly boring, nice guys. I’m looking for the male equivalent of ‘a lady in the streets & a whore in the sheets’. A guy with a sexual edge, a little bit deviant…but still a good person. The search continues.

So, Christmas is coming up. It’s my least favorite holiday. Don’t get me started. I promised myself that I would get myself as far away from Christmas as possible this year so settled on a swingers resort in a hot place. Beach, pool, sun, kinky people & no kids. Perfect! I was willing to even go alone but a fantastic girlfriend jumped at the opportunity to join me & it’s booked. She’s going to be an excellent travel buddy.

Why a swingers resort? #1. No kids. It’s not that I hate children, I just dislike noisy children when I’m trying to relax at the beach or by the pool.

#2. Adults-only but younger, more open-minded adults (rather than stuffy older people that might frequent non-swinger adult-only resorts.)

Will I have loads of sex? Probably not. I have been to a lot of swinger events in my life & had very little sex. It’s not all about orgies & wife swapping. It’s more about being around like-minded people. The comfort that comes from being around people you can be yourself around. To not have to censor yourself. Often these places have a lot of fun, interactive games too. It’s fun!

Speaking of Christmas…I’ll be doubling up vids on my clips store & members site over the 10 days around Xmas & the New Year. I know this a lonely time for a lot of my fans who are sitting at home with lots of time to jerk off. I’ll make sure you have lots of good stuff to jerk off to. You’re welcome *smile*. Happy ho ho.

That’s it for now…I’ll be making a blog entry in the next week about my upcoming trip to the AVN’s in Vegas Jan 15-21. Stay tuned.


Mistress T
Members site:


5 thoughts on “Single in the city…

  1. Sad You’re not a fan of the season, but hope You enjoy Your vacation. Not to kiss Your ass too much, but i’m surprised You’re not surrounded by suitors. i don’t even mean that in a D/s sense; You’re a smart, beautiful woman with an open mind and a sense of humor. i’d crush on You if i were single and didn’t know better.

      • I also thought you meant that you didn’t have enough suitors (which made me wonder if all males in Vancouver were blind). It is clear that you are picky; your list of “minimum requirements” is quite demanding 😉 x
        Have fun!

  2. I like your candid photos best. Keep ’em coming. And good luck with the hunt for Mr. Right. Perhaps a move to a small town would get a guy who’s ready to ‘make do’ with a hot porn actress. Wouldn’t that be funny? “I know, Mom, but she was the only single girl near my age in town! It’s not like I lick her boots for videos. Cut me a little slack, would ya?”

  3. ” It’s amazing that with so many people living in the same place that people still can’t find partners.”
    It’s sometimes called the idea of a “face in the lonely crowd.” So many together, yet all alone.

    I’m surprised that internet dating has not worked better for you. Your ability to say exactly what you’re looking for in a partner should have made the web sites job fairly easy, although I’d guess the short list would have been very short.

    I’ll wish you a fun time on your resort trip (pictures when you get back?) and happy jerking to your many loyal viewers.

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