I have two different blog topics for today but decided to combine them into one. So, kind of a double hitter.
First is regarding the big news story this week of the ballet dancer who got punted from the Royal Winnipeg Ballet for being in a porn film.
More details & related video’s:

Ballet dancer gets sacked for doing porn.
In a nut shell, a very talented & successful ballet dancer decided to express himself artistically in a different way by doing porn & then lost his prestigious job as a ballet dancer for it.
A great quote by one of his friends: “So many people are watching porn but people are not supporting the people making it. You’re still allowed to look down on them, which isn’t really fair.”
Jeppe Hansen (the ballet dancer turned porn performer) says that he hopes this opens up the discussion of what art is & the parameters around how sexuality is expressed artistically…especially considering how much sexuality is in mainstream media like music video’s, movies & commercials.
I applaud Jeppe & am confident this young man will do very, very well in life even without the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, which can go fuck itself really…because how the hell does one of their dancers doing porn effect how he performs as a dancer in one of their performances?!
NEXT TOPIC: Fuck Marathon.
In other news, twitter followers got a taste of my often bizarre personal life this week as I tweeted live from a fuck marathon. Here’s the full story, or at least as much as I’m willing to share publicly.
On Wednesday I received a text from a girlfriend asking if I wanted to have a dirty day the next day…get a few guys over…ya know. Sure, why not?
She has been a very dear friend of mine for years. She & her husband have a relationship that inspires me. They’ve been together for many years & have the healthiest relationship I’ve ever seen. They love the heck out of each other, still have tons of passion for each other, they’re best friends, work like a team…& yes, they have sex with other people.
Between her & I we rounded up three different guys to come over at different times. The first guy came back a second time later on…and she actually started the day having sex with her husband in the morning. So, it was a pretty full day for her! I confess, the day was really more about her. Sure, I had some fun myself but I didn’t actually have sex with all those guys, not that I wouldn’t have if it had felt right in the moment. I just let her enjoy the majority of the days offerings.

Let the games begin!

That’s it, put your back in to it!
I did enjoy the sexual freedom & naughtiness of the whole thing. I loved texting my lovers & asking them to come over for a threesome with my hot bi friend. I loved blowing their minds. I loved laying in bed naked with them eating the dark chocolate, raspberries, strawberries & blueberries they brought as gifts…as the sun was setting, all the smiles & touching…I loved being propped up against pillows, holding my wine glass while he licked my pussy & my girlfriend sucked his cock. I felt like a Queen being entertained & spoiled by her subjects…her sex slaves.

Feeling like royalty…
Often sex for me is less about the actual act & more about all the surrounding moments. The lead up, the hunt, the flirting, kissing, touching, skin on skin…the play of candlelight against skin, the look on my lovers face as they climax, the giggles, the debauchery, the freedom. The next day, the replay, the memories.

This was so beautiful to watch. I do love to see a black man sexually servicing a white Goddess.
There’s so much more to sex than just penetration.
I feel blessed to have wonderful friends in my life who are on the same page, who challenge me to be even dirtier than I already am.
Keep being dirty my friends.
“You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough.” ~ Mae West
Mistress T
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