Do you ever wonder what the story is with the guys I film with? Do you wonder what happens before & after the scene is filmed? Do you wonder what gets edited out?
I do pretty much all of my filming in Vancouver, Canada. In this city we don’t have a thriving porn production industry, which means we don’t have a roster of professional adult film performers to hire like in LA.
Every guy I film with has his own unique story. It’s never: “I hired him through his agent.”
Some of the guys have been my personal lovers who have been excited by the idea of performing in a porn scene. A few have been private clients. I’ve met guys thru the local fetish scene. Some have come through other Domme friends (we often share good male talent). Many have been fans who have emailed me asking if they can be in my vids (via the film slave application:

Nothing says “I love you” like a knee in the gonads…we’re not together “romantically” anymore but one of my ex’s & I still make great ball busting vids together…& he films with others.
Some guys only do one scene because they can’t perform ‘under pressure’ or they’re from out of town. Others stay longer, some for years & dozens of scenes. Some come & go depending on their travel schedule, relationship status or any number of reasons.
Here’s how it typically goes with most of my current film guys:
I have everything ready before he arrives, the set, lights, camera, my outfit, props, lube, etc. He comes in, we chat for a minute, I tell him what we’re going to be filming, he showers, we film it, then if he has time we sit down for a cup of tea or a glass of water & have a longer chat. I’m quite friendly with most of my film guys so I really enjoy the time to connect after the scene has wrapped.
It’s all very civilized really. I try to keep things very low-stress & enjoyable.
Note that it’s just the two of us (unless there’s three of us in the scene, like cuckolding). No camera operator or other people. I’ve been on larger production film sets with a ‘crew’ & I prefer the intimacy of just us. It means I do everything (moving the camera or lights around in the middle of a scene, for example) but that’s okay, I’m used to it.
What hits the editing room floor? (So to speak)
I do my own editing by the way…
The beginning of the scene that you don’t see is sometimes me staring into the lens trying to come up with a story line. It’s true, I don’t always know what I’m going to say even a moment before I film. Sometimes I’m waiting for the guys dick to get fully erect before I start the scene. Sometimes I’m greasing up my feet, ass, boobs or whatever with coconut oil. I might be giving last minute instructions to the guy, like keep his head down out of frame, try to not breath too heavy if he’s near the mic, etc. So I cut the first few minutes out usually.
In the middle of the scene I may cut out bad audio, like loud noises from outside, me running to get more lube, me clearing my throat, me tripping over a word & saying the line over again, me checking with the guy to make sure he’s okay…most often it’s me moving the camera & lighting around during the scene since there’s no one else to do it. Sometimes if the guy is taking a long time to cum I edit out a few minutes of me just stroking his dick.
At the end of the scene the parts I cut out are actually the parts I’d love to leave in. The funniest stuff happens then. The guy has cum, the scene is done & there’s splooge all over the place. Half the time I forget to plan for this (when will I learn?) & I’m awkwardly trying to turn the camera off with the one clean finger I have, or my nose or elbow. If I have slippery stuff on my feet & I didn’t plan ahead I’ll be cursing as I try to get to the bathroom without slipping, where I stand on one leg with my foot in the sink, cleaning up…the guy is laying there naked, covered in cum (they’ve received the same instruction every damn time: DON’T MOVE. I don’t want them dripping cum all over the place.) I get them a warm wet cloth to mop up with & sometimes that’s enough, sometimes they still want or need another shower.
There’s usually some laughs at this point, whether I’ve managed to get the camera turned off or not. I’ve dropped the sultry voice & whatever shtick I’ve been doing for the last 15 mins or so. I’m likely commenting on the size of the cum shot or scolding him for making such a big mess (in jest: “Why do you keep coming over here & shooting goo all over my place? You’re the worst house guest EVER. ha ha ha”) Often the conversation is happening while I’m trying to clean my hands up & get him a wet cloth while he’s laying there naked covered in cum, a captive audience to my (sometimes) clever, goofball remarks.
Sometimes I tease the guy for cumming to whatever fucked up story line I’d been using. “I can’t believe you came to me telling the viewer to suck your cock. Are you sure you’re straight? Maybe you’re not as straight as you think? ha ha ha” He’s literally a stunt cock & has to learn to cum no matter what I’m saying, even if it’s not his fetish or interest.
One time while I was editing I caught a guy flexing his arm like a macho-man in the mirror after I’d left the room & hadn’t turned the camera off yet. He was really shy which made it even more hilarious, out of character for him. I screen shot it & sent it to him. He was SO embarrassed. I still raz him about it.
I could go on & on. I really do have fun with my guys. They’re all so unique & interesting. It’s difficult at first, guys are nervous, I don’t know them well yet, so I prefer working with guys that can become regulars. The ongoing relationships I have with them means a lot to me, even when they don’t film with me anymore, the often stay in touch or come back to me months or years later.
So there’s a little peek into the behind the scenes world of my video production. The next time you watch one of my vids where the guy ejaculates & you come to the end, dealing with your own cum mess, know that I’m also cleaning up. Possibly while making goofy jokes, trying to turn my camera off with my elbow or hopping on one foot to the bathroom.
Mistress T
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