I’m sure you’re all dying to know what’s going on in my world so here’s the update.
The book is humming along. I’ve been writing & researching how to self publish/figuring out next steps. I met with a potential editor but it wasn’t the right fit so the search continues. I’m being very particular about who I work with on this project. I have a budget to hire experts but I also want to enjoy working with them.
I took a little road trip to Vegas to hike around Red Rock & the Valley of Fire with my pal Princess Meggerz for her birthday (Find more about her here: http://meggerz.com/). Beautiful nature around Vegas for those who think it’s just a party town.
We also enjoyed a luxurious spa day compliments of a very generous anonymous fan who sent a $1000 tribute for the spa. I’m not one to brag about gifts & tributes (I know, I’m a lousy FinDom) but holy guacamole! By any standards a $1000 random tribute for the spa is impressive & very much appreciated.
While I’m bragging anyway…the same week I sold my worn & torn pantyhose for $500…which I felt was rather generous too. That pretty much covered the hotel in Vegas during our stay. I don’t usually bother selling my worn items as guys don’t usually offer enough to make it worth my while to wear them long enough to get them stinky or to package them up & mail them. But $500? Yes, that was worth my time & effort…& I gotta say: it was a bit of a thrill:-)
A little more bragging…a new devotee who aimed to impress basically cleared my Amazon wish list & I’m at a bit of a loss as to what to add to it now as I’m not really that greedy. Bad timing as xmas is coming & I know fans like to spoil. I’ll likely direct tributes to one of the charities I support. Stay tuned for that but in the meantime, my Kiva offer is still valid: http://blog.mistresst.net/uncategorized/loan-to-a-worthwile-cause-get-free-porn/
I squeezed in a visit with Lexi Sindel before leaving (Find more about her here: http://lexisindel.com/). Love that brilliant, funny woman. I also got to catch up with slave Wade, Lexi’s long-time devoted slave. We’ve filmed together for years & he’s a great guy. I wish all slaves were as well-mannered. He said a lot of guys ask him how they can get an opportunity to serve a Domme like he has in real life (not just a paid professional session). His very smart response: Make yourself useful first, without expectation. Give her what you can, make her life easier, be valuable & if she’s a Domme worth serving she’ll show her gratitude, you’ll be rewarded BUT it’s not an exchange. Give & serve unselfishly, then be grateful for what comes.
It’s certainly worked for for slave Wade! He’s served her for many years & has had experiences that most subs could only dream of. To get a taste for how he’s living the good slave life check out Lexi Sindel’s FemDomEmpire.com. You’ll see a lot of Wade getting all kinds of action. Also note that a lot of the equipment you see was made by him, being handy has taken him far:-)

This is an old pic from years ago with Lexi & Wade. It was just a personal visit this trip & we didn’t think to take any pics. We’ve shot some really fun scenes over the years tho!

Wade bound in one of his contraptions…from a recent vid of mine: “Extreme Humiliating Bound Milking”
I love road tripping, especially now in my recently acquired camper van with my boyfriend. I love finding random places to pull over & sleep. One night we tucked in behind an old fire station in a tiny ghost mining town between Vegas & Portland. The view in the morning was charming.
We stopped into Portland on our way north to visit one of my favorite people: Ceara Lynch (More about her here: http://www.cearalynch.com/). It was great to see her & hear about her adventures, the progress of her exciting hybrid-documentary “Ruin Me” (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ruinme/ruin-me) & to have a smashing karaoke party night.
I’m back in Vancouver now writing for the next few weeks. My goal is to finish my manuscript before I head to Guatemala for Xmas with Ceara & Meg.
I have long overnight layovers in Miami, Florida on both ends of that trip & would consider dinner dates or breakfast dates with fans. I prefer more casual, social meet ups rather than structured, professional sessions. Plus I won’t be traveling with any equipment. So if you live in Miami or near by & would like to meet me, this is a very, VERY rare opportunity. The tribute will need to be motivating as the ‘demand’ for my attention exceeds the ‘supply’ but email me to discuss if you’re in a position to be generous: MsT@MistressT.net
One last thing…I’m soon launching a studio on IWantClips & adding more content to my long neglected Kinkbomb studio for those who prefer those platforms for pay-per-view vids. I’ll make another blog post with the links in a few days. Stay tuned!
Thanks for all the love & support. I feel like I have a huge team of cheerleaders behind me.
Mistress T