I’ve just had a blog-worthy sexual experience.
Those who are familiar with my work know that one of my frequent themes is ‘older woman/younger man’ or MILF/cougar. I know I look young for 35 but I have no issue with being referred to as an older woman. I like it. The whole Mrs. Robinson thing…Susan Sarandon in Bull Durham, etc.
“Older woman/younger man” conjures images of an experienced, confident, mature woman patiently taking a young man under her wing and teaching him, training him in the art of pleasuring a woman. Most men understand why this is hot for men and remember having boyhood or teen crushes on an older woman: school teachers, their mom’s friends, a female boss…but what some don’t think about is why this is hot for the older female. I won’t pretend to represent all other women. I can only give you my perspective.
#1. The situation: I knew this boy since he was 10. Being a friend of his parents I would see him a couple times a year. The last time I saw him he was 16 and had grown/matured a lot in the time since I had seen him previously. His voice had changed and he looked at me with the eyes of a sexual man, not a boy. I knew that is was wrong to be attracted to him but there was no ignoring my full body flush & quickened heart beat. My primal sexual being was on ‘pounce’ mode. That part of me did not logically see age, it just saw youthful virility. 18 is the legal age of consent in Canada so I kept my distance.
On his 18th birthday last week his step father texted me to give me a heads up that the boy was now legal. I barely slept that night. I was conflicted. It was enticing but there was 17 years between us. I was old enough to be his mother, technically. Would he be interested in someone as old as me? Would he be mature enough? The next day I made inquiries. I confirmed that he was far from a virgin, he was very mature, had grown into a handsome young man and was in fact moving across the country next month on his own. I only had a small window of opportunity.
I texted him a simple belated birthday wish and received a reply that he was now legal…so it was on. The cheeky bugger was flirting with me right from the start. It took a few days to coordinate our schedules but we finally found a couple of hours on my last evening before leaving for Burning Man. By the time I get back he’ll have moved away.
#2. The look & feel: Veal kept springing to mind. I love steak but tender veal is a different delight. I boy who is just becoming a man, skin so fresh and soft…a body not quite filled out yet, a baby face…and that fresh, new man smell. Younger men do have a different scent than middle age men (and older men have a different smell too). I swear, you could blindfold me and I could guess a man’s age within 10 years just by smell.
He entered and kicked off his sneakers and set down his backpack. He was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt, multiple piercings in his ears as is trendy with young people these days. I was surprised at how young he looked. I think I was expecting him to look older by now. If I didn’t know I might have guessed his age to be closer to 16. All of a sudden I felt like this was wrong. He was too innocent looking.
We chatted on the sofa for a bit and he seemed quite mature, not too nervous, charming really. I had had a drink to steady my nerves (yes, I was nervous) and knowing we didn’t have much time I leaned in and kissed him. He leaned in and met my kiss with such surprising sensuality I had to pull back and look to confirm that mouth belonged to that baby face. A kiss can tell you a lot about how someone will be in bed. That kiss told me that I wouldn’t need to do much training.
On the bed, cloths off, his slender frame was so boyish, his skin so smooth…it felt kind of wrong, which had a taboo sexiness to it, thrilling…I asked if he liked to lick pussy & he smiled eagerly and said he loved it (good sign). Down he went and I was shocked. Holy sweet mother of god. He licked pussy like he kissed. How could this 18 year old boy do what so many men can’t do even with instructions? He was so happy & eager down there too, all smiles just going for it like he knew he was a gold medal pussy licker. It was sweet & funny…and I climaxed before long. Ka-pow!
I’ll spare you the rest of the play-by-play. I’ll just say that it was ALL good and overall it was a very fun, positive experience.
In conversation I found his youth so refreshing…not yet jaded and bitter. He is so excited about his new adventures, learning about the world and himself. I couldn’t help giving some maternal advice and ensuring he knew how to get in touch if he ever needed help. I felt nurturing and like I was recapturing some of my youth at the same time.
I doubt this is the end…when he comes home for Christmas or other times I’ll likely be high on his to-see list…and if I make it to his city, he’ll be my first stop. It’s not love, it’s far less complicated than that. It’s casual, fun and lustful. I wish sex could always be this pure.

In bed with Mistress T