I’ve just returned to civilization after being in the county with family for several days. When was the last time you went several days without internet? It made me realize how very addicted I am to the computer, twitter, email, etc.
I might do a blog post about my family adventures this week…I’ll decide later. For now, I have pictures to share from my shoot with MeanBitches in LA! (See below).
Also, my first shoot with Kink.com / Divine Btiches came out this week. See pics, the trailer and forum comments here: http://www.divinebitches.com/site/shoot/16660-Mistress-T-Is-What-You-Crave.html
The pics below are from my shoot with the talented director ‘Glenn’ from MeanBitches/MeanDungeon/MeanWorld. It was a great day with a team that operated like a well oiled machine. Brooke Haven, Glenn’s fantastic Production Assistant picked me up from my hotel & got me set up with the hair & make-up lady who did a professional job (although again, heavier make-up than I’m used to). The slave was a dream to work with. Very easy going with a great sense of humor. The shoot was a lot of fun.
A couple of days later I spent the night at Lexi Sindel’s FemDom Empire (lexisindel.com). Along with Mina Thorne (clips4sale37562), Deviant Kade & Lexi’s useful slave we pounded out a record breaking ten scenes in one evening! (See pics below)
The next morning I flew to Maui where I spent a relaxing week with friends. (See pics below)
I am now in Nova Scotia visiting family (now in a place WITH internet!). I will likely return to Vancouver later this week. (A rolling stone gathers no moss, right?)
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/MistressTdotnet
Members site: http://www.MistressT.net
PPV: http://www.clips4sale.com/23869

MeanBitches shoot in LA - A very animated slave!

MeanBitches shoot in LA - a boot cleaning chair? Awesome.

On MeanBitches set in LA

Maui Sunset

Live hard, die young.

Naked snorkeling rocks!

Safety 1st! (Me preparing to snorkel in Maui with fun floaty.)