At this moment I have no idea what this blog post is going to be about. I felt a desire to write one today but wasn’t sure what to write about.

Will chewing this pen help the juices to flow? CREATIVE juices, you fucking pervert.
Looking for inspiration I tweeted to my 20K twitter followers:
Mistress T @MistressTdotnet 4h
Throwing it out there: got a request for a blog topic?: tweet me. Ask me a question, ask me2discuss a topic/fetish, etc. No promises:-)
Out of 20K followers I got only a few responses, which I wasn’t terribly surprised with. My fans tend to be a quiet bunch. Silently enjoying my vids or pics. Saying little, providing very little feedback, often leaving me feeling like I’m on stage performing with bright lights in my face, unable to tell if there’s an audience there or not. Of course, the vids continue to sell, so I know you’re out there. Jerking off, loving me. Your wallets give you away.
“steven” tweeted:
global warming,mascot sex,geopolitics…..cuckolding…candy crush…clown sex….men who like …….? sex with your wife or husband….no….not interesting. Is it still relevant?
Okay Steven, why not? Here we go:
– Global warming: beyond saying that it’s real & we should all do our part for the environment (recycle, turn the lights off, walk instead of drive when you can, etc.) I have a feeling my fans don’t come here for those topics. See ‘google’ for more info.
– Mascot sex: keen followers know by now that I have a thing for ‘furries’. I first got turned on by this when a gal banged her boyfriend while he was wearing a big mascot costume kind of thing in the movie “The Sweetest Thing”.

I love furries!
– Geopolitics: yeah, not gonna lie I had to look that one up, it’s the study of the effects of geography (both human and physical) on international politics and international relations.
At this moment I can feel the collective groan from those who were really hoping to find some jerk off material in my blog today. Don’t blame me, blame Steven.
– Cuckolding: you guys can’t get enough of this topic, eh? Here’s a funny story. The other day I was doing a web cam session with a guy who said he was into cuckolding. So I started telling him to pretend it was our wedding night & instead of fucking him I’ve fucked his best man…I noticed that his dick was going limp so I asked if there was something wrong. He told me that he was into being my cuckold but for some reason the idea of being married to me didn’t turn him on. *zing* I laughed SO hard.

So you’ll suck his cock & eat his cum out of my pussy, but you won’t MARRY ME? Worthless cuckold…
– Candy crush: sorry Steven. I’m not sure what this is. I googled it & I think it’s a game? Whatever.
– Clown Sex: I think this would be a great way for people with a fear of clowns to get over their fear. Or maybe not? I guess it depends on if the clown is any good in the sack. (Try

Sugar Weasel, the clown escort!
– Men who like……?: You left this one pretty vague Steven. Unfortunately for you I’m now tiring of writing this damn blog entry so I’m not even going to attempt anything witty.

What Steven…WHAT?
– Sex with your wife or husband….no….not interesting. Is it still relevant?: I’m sensing you’re not enthusiastic about fucking your wife Steven? Is the magic gone? This question reveals a lot about you. Unfortunately for you, I’m not a marriage counselor. I just play one in porn films, and in those cases I’m pretty sure I cause more problems then I solve. I’ll take a swing at it though:
Marriage is about a lot more than sex. It’s about sharing a life, intimacy (non-sexual), friendship, companionship, etc. If you love your wife but feel a driving need for sexual satisfaction that you just can’t find at home…fuck an escort or see a Dominatrix (depending on what you’re looking for). Practice the safest sex you can & cover your tracks to save your wife embarrassment.
You’re welcome.

Don’t let your wife catch you! (A public service announcement from the NRA)
Mistress T
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