I felt compelled to write about fetish tolerance.
I’m not a sports fan. Watching basketball doesn’t really give me any pleasure. There’s a lot of people who REALLY like basketball, no question.
I’m not a big fan of rap music. I find it pretty abrasive actually. There’s a lot of people who REALLY like rap music, no question.
I could give a thousand examples but I think you know where I’m going with this.
Hardly a day goes by that I don’t run into judgement from someone about other people’s fetishes. Yesterday I got an email from a guy who actually said he is into eating scat but really thought I should stop doing incest themed clips. That was why he wrote actually, to request that I stop doing family-fantasy vids of any kind, because it offended HIM. He who is into one of the most extreme and controversial fetishes: feces munching.
This is a common theme in the fetish world: “My fetish is okay but yours is wrong/weird.”
There is no such thing as normal. Pretty much every person has at least some kind of sexual quirk that could be considered abnormal by anyone with a critical eye. Judge not lest ye be judged.
The internet has changed our sexuality. It has created communities for those with fetishes who were previously isolated. Before the internet, a guy with a fetish for wearing women’s clothing or kissing feet may have felt like he was the only person on earth who felt like that.
The internet has educated us. It has taught us all that there are many different fetishes out there. It’s also creating a snowball effect. A guy who was just into feet to start may now be into pantyhose covered feet, sweaty socks, shoes/boots, being trampled, footjobs (like a handjob with feet), eating his own cum off of feet, etc. On his own he may not have made the connection between liking to kiss feet and liking to have feet rubbing his cock…but once he sees it on the internet: ta-da!
The world isn’t getting less kinky. It’s getting kinkier. The sooner we all become more accepting of other people’s quirks and deviations the better.
The key to acceptance is the following:
Whatever involves consenting adults is all good.
My vids involve a wide variety of fetishes. On my clips store I have over 1000 vids that cover at least 120 different fetish categories. There’s pretty much something for everyone…but there’s going to be stuff you don’t understand or stuff that doesn’t do it for you. Just skip it and focus on what you do like. If you don’t like something I do, keep it to yourself. I don’t want to hear your judgement or negativity. If you don’t understand something try googling the fetish and educate yourself.
For the record, I don’t believe that is most cases being exposed to certain pornography causes people to do things in real life that are harmful to themselves or others. I don’t think a guy jerking off to a vid of me playing the role of his Mother is going to make him want to fuck or try to fuck his own Mother. Most people have no trouble separating fantasy from reality. Most people understand real-life boundaries. Most people have fairly intact morals and decent judgement. There are exceptions of course…a guy who may have never heard of putting a hamster up his butt may not have thought of it on his own and that may result in a visit to the ER & abuse of a non-consenting rodent…but overall, porn is a form of entertainment, a release. It’s not a gateway drug.
That’s it. Carry on.
Mistress T
Members site: http://www.MistressT.net
PPV: http://www.clips4sale.com/23869
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The taboo idea of having a Mom as hot as me is the turn-on. Chances are, your own Mom doesn't look like me *wink*.