Looking back…
Way back when I was a new Pro Domme I had a house boy nicknamed “Puppy”. We had an amazingly comfortable & delightful relationship. I didn’t know then how lucky I was. I have since realized that most so-called house boys end up being high-maintenance, drama-plagued disappointments.
Puppy was anything but a disappointment. He tried really hard to please me in every way & he usually achieved that goal. He was a pleasure to have around but after several months of excellent service his work took him away & he sadly left me.
I was never able to replace him & eventually gave up on house boys & personal servants all together. I remembered him fondly but didn’t hear from him for years.
Last week I received this email:
Hi Mistress T,
You will have to search your memory banks to remember me and I hope that your memories might be fond ones. You named me ‘puppy’ and I was your service slave for some time when you were first starting out as a professional Dominatrix.
I saw you recently at a fetish event and I wanted to say ‘hi’ but not surprisingly you were always surrounded by people. I was not sure if you would remember me after so long and did not want make you feel awkward if I walked up and you did not remember me.
I never said so this in your presence because I always got tongue tied but you are the most intelligent, graceful, articulate, thoughtful, funny, creative and all around amazing woman that I have ever had the honor of knowing. You are also one of the most honorable, ethical and integrity filled people that I have ever met and I have had the good fortune to know lots of quality people in my life. You always conducted yourself with grace and class and I have always admired all of those traits in you even after I was no longer serving you.
Thank you for teaching me all that you did. And thank you for your patience with my many mistakes. I delighted in pleasing you with my cooking. I loved the idea that putting meals in your freezer was helping to take care of you, not that you needed to be taken care of, but simply as a symbol of my devotion.
I don’t really know why it has taken me this long to have the balls to contact you and say ‘hello’. I understand if you are too busy and/or have no interest in returning my email. I am happy with the simple thought that this email might please you or bring even a brief smile to that beautiful face of yours.
Even if I do not hear back from you I wish you continued success in all you do. Though that is really a given with your talent and intelligence. I hope that your life is filled with much love, peace and happiness.
Your puppy
I was delighted to receive this email, naturally. As I mentioned, he served me in the beginning when I was still figuring things out. A lot has happened in the last eight years. I invited him to join me at a fetish event Saturday night. I received this email after:
Dearest Mistress T,
It was absolutely wonderful to see you last night. I really enjoyed reconnecting with you again. Thank you for your kind words and for graciously allowing me to dance with you and your slave. Somehow you have grown even more charming, witty, graceful and beautiful than I remembered. Trust me when I say that is no mean feat.
I truly hold you in the highest regard. Not just because you are ‘kinkyasfuck’. But simply as a human being who has the courage to live life honestly and on her own terms.
With much affection,
I’m not sure yet what place puppy might hold in my life in the future but it’s nice to have him back & it would be nice to have him around. We’ll see. So many slaves, fans & clients have come & gone over the years. Some have stuck around but the nature of the business is that there are many single-serving relationships. It really means something to me to have longer term relationships.
Speaking of long-term vs. short-term…I’m excited to see one of my longest running, most devoted slaves in Orlando just before Christmas! He has been with me for years & we’ve followed each others ups & downs…the relationship is strong & mutually fulfilling. He’s taking me to Disney & I’m SO looking forward to it!
At this point I plan to only see him during my stay but if I end up with any free time I’ll contact those who have applied to be on an Orlando contact list (email: MsT@MistressT.net with “Orlando” in the subject line.)
Mistress T
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